Permanent Residency


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Permanent Residence


Permanent residence in Canada grants individuals the right to live and work anywhere in the country indefinitely. As a permanent resident, you receive many of the same benefits as Canadian citizens, including access to healthcare, social services, and protection under Canadian law. Permanent residents can also apply for Canadian citizenship after meeting certain residency requirements. However, they must maintain their status by living in Canada for at least two years within a five-year period and are required to pay taxes and abide by Canadian laws. This status provides a pathway to fully integrating into Canadian society while enjoying its diverse opportunities and high quality of life.

For assistance finding the best pathway to permanent residence, complete our free assessments or contact us for consultation to discuss the best options for you.

Express Entry


Express Entry is a system used by the Canadian government to manage applications for permanent residence from skilled workers. Introduced in January 2015, it streamlines the application process for three main immigration programs: Federal Skilled Workers, Federal Skilled Trades, and Canadian Experience Class. Applicants submit an online profile detailing their skills, work experience, language proficiency, and education. Eligible candidates enter a pool and are ranked using the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS). Those with the highest scores receive an invitation to apply for permanent residence, making Express Entry a competitive and efficient pathway to immigrate to Canada.

If you are qualified under the Skilled Worker, Skilled Trades, or Canadian Experience Class, and would like assistance to register for express entry, please contact us for a free assessment.

Federal Skilled Workers


The Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) is managed under the Express Entry system, streamlining the process for skilled workers to gain permanent residence in Canada. Applicants must first create an Express Entry profile and meet a minimum of 67 points based on their qualifications. They are then ranked through the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS), and only those with the highest scores receive invitations to apply. The FSWP requires at least one year of full-time paid work experience in a skilled job, proficiency in English or French, and an educational credential assessment (ECA) for foreign degrees. Applicants must also demonstrate settlement funds and plan to live outside Quebec. Canada continuously seeks skilled workers to address labor shortages across the country.

Contact us to book a consultation and find out how you may qualify under the Federal Skilled Worker program, for permanent residency status in Canada.

Federal Skilled Trades Program


Since January 1, 2015, the Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) has been managed under the Express Entry system. Applicants create an Express Entry profile and are ranked based on qualifications. Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) invites the highest-ranked candidates to apply for permanent residence. Eligible trades include industrial, electrical, construction, maintenance, equipment operation, natural resources, agriculture, processing, manufacturing, chefs, cooks, butchers, and bakers. Applicants need at least two years of full-time work experience, meet job requirements, achieve language proficiency, and have a job offer or a certificate of qualification. They must also plan to live outside Quebec. Canada seeks skilled trade workers to address labor shortages.

Contact us to book a consultation and find out how you may qualify under the Federal Skilled Trades program, for permanent residency status in Canada.

The Canadian Experience Class (CEC)


The Canadian Experience Class (CEC) is an immigration pathway designed for temporary foreign workers and international graduates who have gained skilled work experience in Canada. Managed under the Express Entry system, the CEC allows those with at least one year of Canadian work experience to apply for permanent residence. Applicants must meet specific language requirements and plan to live outside Quebec. The CEC values Canadian work experience as a crucial factor, streamlining the transition from temporary to permanent status for eligible individuals.

Contact us to book a consultation and find out how you may qualify under the Canadian Experience Class program, for permanent residency status in Canada.

Family Class Sponsorship (FCS)

One of the most popular immigration programs to Canada is as a member of the Family Class, under the Family Sponsorship program.

A Permanent Resident or Canadian Citizen can sponsor a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner, dependent children, parents, grandparents and other eligible relatives for permanent residency.

After living in Canada for a period of time as a permanent resident, the family member may qualify for citizenship.

Basic Requirements to Sponsor:

  • Sponsor must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident living in Canada or if outside show  that you plan to live in Canada once  the sponsored resident becomes a permanent resident
  •  Be at least  18 years or older
  • Must promise to support the sponsored family member financially able to prove that you are not receiving social assistance for reasons other than a disability
  • have enough income to provide for basic needs of any grandchildren (dependent children of a dependent child) of the principal applicant

If you have sponsored relatives to come to Canada in the past, and they have later asked the government for financial help, you may not be allowed to sponsor another person. Your relatives must also agree to try to support themselves.

Due to changes in Canada’s immigration law, if a spouse or partner sponsored you, you now cannot sponsor a new spouse or partner within five years of becoming a permanent resident.

Programs for Parents and Grandparents

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) have two main programs to bring a parent or grandparent to Canada:

  • The Parents and Grandparents sponsorship program and
  • The Super Visa Program

Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship Program

This is an annual program for Parents and Grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents, who wish to sponsor their parents and grandparents.

If you want to sponsor your parents and grandparents, you must show your interest by submitting your interest online. The current interest to sponsor form is available as of noon EST on January 2, 2018, and will close at noon EST on February 1, 2018.

Submissions will be reviewed and there will be random selection and invitation to potential sponsors to apply to sponsor their parents and grandparents. If invited you will have 90 days to submit a full application.

If you do not receive and invitation, you will have the opportunity to show your interest to sponsor your parents and grandparents again next year.

You can sponsor your parents and grandparents if you’re 18 years of age or older, living in Canada and are a:

  • Canadian citizen or
  • person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act or
  • permanent resident of Canada

The program only allows you to apply for your own parents and grandparents. You can’t use your invitation to become a co-signer for your spouse or partner’s parents and grandparents. If you live in Quebec, you must also meet Quebec’s immigration sponsorship requirements after approved as a sponsor.

As a sponsor to a parent or grandparent you will need to meet certain minimum income requirements, support that person and their dependents and sign a sponsorship agreement.

There is a yearly cap on the number of applications that are accepted. The current cap for 2018 is 10,000 complete applications. Once this cap is reached, there is still the Super Visa Program which allows parents and grandparents to come to Canada on extended multi-entry visas that could last up to a total of 10 years.

The Super Visa

The Super Visa is a multiple entry visa designed for parents and grandparents that remains a fast and convenient option for holders wanting to spend longer periods of time with their families in Canada.

Need assistance, check eligibility and to learn more about the requirements for these programs, contact us today or complete our Family Sponsorship Assessment Form.

Provincial Nominee Programs

A provinces economic growth depends on having enough skilled and qualified people to meet labour market needs. Each province and territory in Canada, with the exception of Quebec, has their own Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) to help meet these needs.

PNP programs are a way for high-demand foreign workers and experienced entrepreneurs to meet labour needs and gain permanent residency in their chosen province.

The PNP programs offer options for both skilled and semi-skilled workers. You may be able to apply on your own, or with your employer. Each province and territory has its own streams or immigration programs that target certain groups, and criteria for their PNP.  

Greater consideration will be given to those individuals whose employment will fill a skills shortage. For example, Saskatchewan has a Health Professions Category, a Farm Owner/Operator Category and a Long Haul Truck Drivers Project which are all designed to facilitate immigration to their province.

Since January 1, 2015, many provinces and territories have launched new Express Entry streams.

To apply for the PNP you must:

  • Apply to a province or territory for a nomination,
  • Be nominated by that province or territory, then
  • Apply to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to become a permanent resident.

If you are nominated under a non-Express Entry stream:

  • You will have to apply through the paper-based process, and
  • If the province or territory finds you eligible and nominates you, you will send an application to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

If you are nominated under a province or territory’s Express Entry stream, you must:

  • Meet their requirements, and
  • Meet the minimum criteria for Express Entry; this includes meeting the requirements of at least one of the immigration programs it covers.

Minimum criteria and programs available within each province are constantly being updated.

Please refer to the links for the province you are interested in, for further information specific to their PNP and the streams they offer:

ALBERTA: Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program

BRITISH COLUMBIA: British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program

MANITOBA: Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program

NEW BRUNSWICK: New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program

NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR: Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Nominee Program

NORTHWEST TERRITORIES: Northwest Territories Nominee Program

NOVA SCOTIA: Nova Scotia Nominee Program

ONTARIO: Ontario’s Pilot Provincial Nominee program

PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND: Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program

SASKATCHEWAN: Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program

YUKON: Yukon Nominee Program

Contact us to book a consultation and discuss the streams available and how you may qualify under a Provincial Nominee program.

Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds

In some situations people who cannot fit into the right program may still need to come to Canada. These are people who would not normally be eligible to become permanent residents of Canada; they may however be able to apply on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.

Humanitarian and compassionate grounds apply to people with exceptional cases. Each application is assessed on a case-by-case basis. 

Factors that are taken into consideration include:

  • How settled the person is in Canada
  • General family ties to Canada
  • The best interests of any children involved, and
  • What could happen to you if you are not granted the request.

Humanitarian and compassionate grounds are only considered if you are applying for permanent resident status in Canada, or for a permanent resident visa abroad.  Requests are not  considered from temporary resident applicants.

Risk factors such as persecution, risk to life, cruel and unusual treatment or punishment are not assessed.

You cannot apply for humanitarian and compassionate grounds if you have a pending refugee claim. If you want to apply, you must withdraw your refugee claim before your Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) hearing.

If you feel this option may apply to you, please contact us for a more detailed consultation to discuss the option further.

Atlantic Immigration Pilot Project

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program is a brand new program started in 2017. It allows Atlantic provincial governments to choose immigrants according to the economic needs of the province. It is a three-year employer-driven immigration program to attract and retain global talent while supporting population growth and addressing labour shortages.

The pilot will allow 2000 additional immigrants and their families to come to the four Atlantic Provinces:

  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Nova Scotia
  • Prince Edward Island

Provincial government staff will assist local employers to identify, hire and support foreign workers. In turn, successful candidates will be selected for permanent residency by the Federal government.

Businesses in these provinces can offer jobs to eligible non-Canadians. With a job offer, you can apply for permanent residence in Canada through one of three programs:

  • high-skilled workers
  • intermediate-skilled workers
  • international graduates

Employers interested in participating in the Pilot, must meet the following designation criteria:

  • The employer wants to hire full-time, non-seasonal international candidates;
  • The employer and their business are  well-established and in good standing; and
  • The employer is committed to meet the settlement needs of international candidate(s) and accompanying family members.

Applicants interested in the program must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Have accumulated at least one year of full-time (or part-time equivalent) work experience in your main occupation at a NOC skill type O, A or B Level within the last three years.
  • Your work experience must be from paid work (
  • You worked overseas or in Canada (as long as you were legally authorized to work in Canada as a temporary resident).
  • You must have a job offer that is from a designated employer in an Atlantic province, full time and non-seasonal.
  • Job offer must be a one year contract, and at type NOC skill type O, A or B level.
  • You must have a high-school diploma, post-secondary certificate or degree that is valid and equal to a Canadian equivalent.
  • If you did not complete your studies in Canada, you’ll need an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA)   to show that your studies are equal to a Canadian secondary or post-secondary certificate, diploma or degree
  • You will need to do mandatory language testing and submit your original results with your application. Minimum level you must have a level 4 in the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) or the Niveaux de competence linguistique canadiens (NCLC) for listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Contact us to book a consultation and learn more about this new Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program, your next steps and its possible pathway to permanent residency status in Canada for you and your family.