New Federal Skilled Worker Category to be Created for Skilled Trades

The Canadian Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Jason Kenney, announced on April 10, 2012 to streamline the application process for skilled tradespersons seeking entry to Canada.

People working in skilled trades in industries such as construction, transportation, manufacturing and service are in high demand in Canada. The need is most acute in the construction and natural resources sectors, where booming business has resulted in an acute labour shortage.

“Attracting skilled tradespeople is important for maintaining Canada’s momentum in the global economy,” Minister Kenney stated in his speech today. Through the upcoming program, it is expected that trade professionals will be assessed on criteria that will more accurately reflect their skills, experience, and potential benefit to the Canadian labour market.

These changes, amongst others, are expected to be revealed later in 2012 as part of an effort to modify and modernize the Canadian government’s Federal Skilled Worker program.


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